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Where God's Mercy
Has a Voice...
7546 Alondra Blvd.
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 543-4045
Please email or subscribe below for more information on locations and upcoming events.
English Services
Sunday 4:00 PM*
Wednesday 7:00 PM*
(This Service is in English with
Spanish Translation Available)
*(en español traducción)
Spanish Service
Thursday 7:00 PM
*(This service is in Spanish only)
Servicios en español*
Jueves 7:00 PM*
*(Este es un sevicio en español)
*Please specify the $$$ and Fund to credit.

Efren Palacios
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5 : 7 - 9
Church is not just a place, its a people, gathered together, with a purpose. One body, of one mind, in one accord, restoring fellowship with the one TRUE God and Father of us all. And to honor and worship His son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
"For God is a spirit, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24
Our Lord Jesus has charged us to...
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."
Mark 16:15
HOMAC is a body of believers working as witnesses and representatives of God's saving power and eventual kingdom on earth. We offer a platform where those that are called and chosen, can go as far in God as they can believe. Led by a Man-of-God who is not only connected and sensitive to his people, imparting wisdom and the authority to use it.
Pastor Palacios Ministry has touched and changed so many lives for the kingdom. His Ministry is not only making an impact in our community, but God has truly blessed Pastor through his many associations with great Men-of-God all across these United States.
If you are looking for a church where you can build a powerful, yet intimate walk with God. Where you can be apart of something bigger than yourself. To put down roots, establish yourself in a thriving, growing ministry.
Come be a part of something new and amazing that God is doing at...
House Of Mercy Apostolic Church.

HOMAC is a church of Love, Mercy, Miracles, Healing and Restoration in a world that is hurting and lost without God.
We are an Apostolic Church who stands upon the Apostles doctrine of Christ. We Teach, Preach and administer Water Baptism in the Name of Jesus.
We firmly believe in the presence and operation of the Holy Ghost and the Gifts and fruit of the Spirit.
We are a vibrant young, growing Church with a deep & powerful heritage in Pentecost. Our ministry, which beckons from the "Old Paths" and principals of Christ, yet presented in a very real, positive, powerful, yet applicable message.
"For what good is power... if you never use it...?" - Pastor Palacios

Our Sunday school and Children's ministries continue to grow in an atmosphere of nurturing love, joy, peace and discovery.
Youth are being filled with the Holy Ghost and equipped with power from on High. Learning the value of keeping your testimony, and principles of worship.
They enjoy the feeling of family and the true meaning brothers & sisters, while promoting integrity, honor and respect for others.
Establishing the pillars and foundation of a true walk with God. If the church won't reach for the children, then who will?
"Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven" - Matthew 19:14

Our services are by no mean's "traditional." You will not find a beautiful building, with a tall steeple, pristine walls, and fine marble floors.
What you will find is the Word of God, being preached, with power, integrity, anointing and discernment of the people.
It is not uncommon to feel the presence of God in the sanctuary, while hearing the voices of the redeemed echoing the truest prayers & worship of the Most High.
We come together as a people, covered by the blood of the Lamb, filled with His holy spirit, washed in the waters of baptism, marked by the only name by which man might be saved,
the name of Jesus..!

*Please specify the $$$ and Fund to credit.
We thank you so much for all your generous support.
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( Please make checks payable to: House Of Mercy AC )
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You may use your Checking Acct.
( There is a one time setup required for either. )
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Your *Tax Deductible Donations and Love Gifts, however large or small, are always greatly appreciated..!
For further information on locations & events, please "Subscribe" below.